2012 Information coming soon! Information below is 2011
Voodoo Fire
Online Registration
Printable Registration (.pdf)
Course Map & Description (.pdf)
Season opener in the Rocky Mountain Endurance Series
Post Race Update 4/26:
Event Photos can be found at C&H Images.
Event Highlights:
Race #1. Kick off the mountain bike racing season in Colorado at this exciting new venue. You'll be tempted to take your eyes off the trail to enjoy the majestic scenery that surrounds you - snow covered peaks of the Greenhorn and Wet Ranges, rocky bluffs and crags rising above Lake Pueblo and narrow technical canyons to wind through. The Arkansas River Valley amid 200 year old juniper pines and rolling mesa is the backdrop for this scenic season opener. Bring the family down for the weekend to enjoy the terrific camping and landscape in this spectacular Southwest playground.
Event Details:
Saturday, April 23. Race start for RME Marathon 8:00 am. Half Marathon and Junior RME race start at 9:15 am. No license required.
Tents, coolers, etc. for support and spectating can be staged and set up along the course in the feed zone on Saturday. Team vehicles and race support only can park up at the finish venue during the race on Saturday.
All other participant parking must be at Rock Creek Swim Beach lot adjacent to the Start at the bottom of the Dam due to limited space at the finish area.
Registration, Expo and Start/Staging Area where races begin is at the bottom of South Marina Road at Cottonwood Pavilion. Both races will be a mass neutral start up the paved park road. We will return here after the finish for post race awards and enchilada dinner.
Note that for the Marathon race there is a cut-off time of 1:00 PM for the start of loop 2. You must begin your second lap by 1:00 pm or you will be asked to disembark and spread the remaining ashes...
You must be completed with your journey by 6:00pm! Please get to the finish one way or another by 6pm. We will be looking for you...!
Lake Pueblo State Park, Cottonwood Pavillion, Rock Creek Swim Beach Parking area.
Entry Fee:
RME Series: $85 after April 1.
Entry fee includes scenic racecourse, goody bag and custom clothing for first 200 Marathon Series registrants, aid stations, medical support, post race meal, results and scoring, awards and raffles.
Course Description:
Course map and directions
Approximately 35 mile loop, with 1,800 ft. of climbing per lap. Featuring 90% singletrack this sprawling course rolls through enchanting bluffs of high prairie and pinyon pine. You won't remember if you're in Pueblo, Moab or some mystical Stonehenge; but if you like smooth fast singletrack on trails with names like Voodoo, Outer Limits, Waterfall and Rollercoaster, then prepare to join us and light the fire! RME competitors will complete two loops, while Half-Marathon and Junior RME competitors race one. All races will start down at Snakeskin Pavilion Expo and Staging Area under neutral mass start and proceed up the paved park road. The finish venue will be at the South Shore Marina overflow lot across from the camping area. This makes for a perfect venue to spend the weekend, camp near the finish and enjoy a hot shower after the race.
Course Video:
Brandon Newcomer (Epic Endurance) captures the 2011 Voodoo Fire. See what Pueblo has to offer up!
Aid Stations:
There will be 4 aid stations on course stocked with Hammer Gels, Clif Blocks, fruit, pbj's, carbs, etc. and coolers of Hammer Heed and water. Racers can drop a bag at the start to have it delivered to Aid Station #1/2, or #3. It must be marked with your plate number. You can get a Hammer drop bag and marker at check-in. You can stage your own supplies at Aid #4 at the Finish. The course will lap through the finish area where you can drive up to drop off tents, chairs, coolers and stage food and equipment in the staging area next to Aid Station. 100 RME water bottles will be available at each Aid Station until they're gone, then you'll have to stop and fill your own!
Men, Women, Singlespeed Open
Age Divisions:
Juniors 15-16, 17-18, Senior 19-29, Veterans 30-39, 40-49, Master 50-59, Classic 60+
See online links above
Event Site Registration and Packet Pickup:
Event site registration and packet pick-up will be on Friday afternoon from 5-8pm at Lake Pueblo State Park at Cottonwood Shelter Expo area as well as Saturday morning from 6:30-8am.
Oskar Blues Award Ceremony:
Enchiladas and post-race festivities will kick off at approximately 3:00pm back down at the Cottonwood Pavilion Expo where the race started. Raffle begins around 3:30pm, with Awards following.
There will be Oskar Blues going around (you'll see) but unfortunately we can't drink any of it in the Park! Something about Park rules.... anybody for an Arnold Palmer?
So, BYOB in your cooler if you want a cold one after the race, and we'll make it up next time at Bear Creek!
A combination of cash & merchandise will be given to the fastest racers overall; total combined value of payout:
RME Men seven deep - $300,200,150,125,100,75,50.
RME Women three deep - $200,150,100.
Half Marathon Men three deep - $175,125,100.
Half Marathon Women three deep $125,100,50.
Awards given to top 3 in each category. If you or a friend are unable to pick up your award, we can mail it to you for $5 S&H.
Lake Pueblo State Park Entrance Fee:
$7 per vehicle, per day
Excellent camping next to finish with hot showers is available for a nominal fee through the Park with hookups, tables, and fire pits. Arkansas Point Campground is the one you'll want. This will probably fill up so reserve a spot sooner than later if you want to take advantage of this unique opportunity. For camping reservations call 800-678-2267. Reservations must be made 3 days in advance or it's space available when you get here.
For More Information:
Call Hutch at 408-410-7973 or Email us.