Warriors Cycling and The Rocky Mountain Ultra Series is proud to present the 3rd annual Front Range 50 Endurance Race, which will be the 2nd stop of the RMU Regional Championship Series.
Events: Saturday May 8th, 8:30 am Start No license required to race - Ya! You can check-in and pick up number and goody bag at Green Mountain Sports Friday eve 4-6pm, and also register there with no late fee. Also Saturday race day registration and check-in available at Bear Creek. Tents can be set up for support crews or spectators along the course at feed zone at Coyote Crossing. Team vans and trailers can park in Expo parking up top if you're in by 7:00am. All other parking down below. Races will start at bottom of road. Course maps and descriptions are printable and the course is open for pre-riding.
Location: Bear Creek Lake Park
15600 W. Morrison Road: 303.697.6159
Take C-470 to Morrison Rd exit, east to park entrance on south side of Morrison Rd. Proceed east inside park to Coyote Crossing.
Course Description: Tire Sealant is strongly recommended! Choose where to pass wisely as goatheads are prevalent. The fast 10-mile loop that encircles Bear Creek Lake Park features a taste of all types of terrain, with four short climbs, rolling hills, lots of singletrack and exciting descents. There will be a neutral support feed zone at the end of each lap. The Start/Finish venue will be at Coyote Crossing. The race course will be open to other users during the race (hikers, horses, kids, dogs, etc.) so please be aware, use caution, and most of all be respectful so we don't lose this great venue. There will be signage to inform others that a race is in progress, but you never know who could wander on course unknowingly. Please be courteous, communicate to each other, and use good sportsmanship. Help each other to have fun out there! Course Map (jpg)
Feed Zone: There will be an aid station / feed zone on every lap at the start/finish area with Hammer Gels, Larabars, fruit, cookies, bagels, and coolers of Hammer Heed and water that you can stop and fill your own bottles with. We will have refreshment available to grab and go. Plan on staging your own bottles and food if you want to have your own available.
Event Highlights: Part of the Denver Fat Tire Festival and run in conjunction with the Battle the Bear Race, spectators and racers alike will enjoy the hot racing action and recreational rides and clinics going on at this fun venue. There will be industry exposition tents with product sampling, and raffles going on. Bring your cowbells or noise-makers and see what Front Range racing is all about! Kick off the mountain bike racing season in Colorado by bringing the family and kids out to this annual spring ritual of off-road fun. Visit the Denver Fat Tire Festival page for full Festival activity information.
Camping is available at the Park with tables and firepits, on a first come basis, for a nominal fee. Contact the Park directly to reserve a spot.
Pre-Registration: You may register online beginning March 15th at Sportsbaseonline.com - Online pre-registration cut-off is midnight on Wednesday, May 5th. Pre-registered mail-in entries must be received by Monday, May 3rd. You may also pre-register, with no late fee, Friday afternoon May 7th, from 4-6 pm at Green Mountain Sports, 303-987-8758.
Race Day Registration and Packet Pickup: Cross Country race day registration and packet pick-up will be Saturday, May 8th at Bear Creek Lake Park race site (Coyote Crossing) in Lakewood, Colorado from 6:30am – 7:30am. On-site registration fee of $10 will be assessed for race-day registrations.
For More Information: Call the Warriors Cycling Event Hotline at 970-262-1929 or Email us.
Bear Creek Lake Park is operated by the City of Lakewood, Colorado.
Results / Awards:
** Prize Money**
Men: $200 first, $150 second, $100 third, $75 fourth, $60 fifth Women: $100 first, $80 second, $60 third $40 fourth, $30 fifth Fastest Times overall, regardless of age class.
Race results will be posted at the finish area. Award ceremony will take place at approximately 3pm. Cash awards will be given to the fastest 5 men and women and awards will be given 3 deep in all categories. Riders or a rider representative must be present at the award ceremony to receive their award.
Bear Creek Lake Park Venue Fee: There is a $5 per racer venue fee upon entering the park.
Categories: Men, Women, Singlespeed Open
Age Divisions: Senior 19-29,
Veterans 30-39, 40-49,
Master 50+
Entry Fee: $60