Check-in is available at the venue Friday 6-8 pm, or Saturday 6-8am. There is NO PARKING at Indian Creek trail head or along the highway. Parking is available only at Roundup Ranch, which is 1 mile down the road on the left. Parking is $5 per vehicle.
From Denver, go south on Sante Fe Drive (US 85) to State Highway 67 West, or South on I-25 to Happy Canyon Road exit. Go west to US 85. North on 85 to Sedalia, then west on State Highway 67.
From Colorado Springs, go north on I-25 to Castle Rock. Take the US 85 exit north to Sedalia, then west on Sate Highway 67.
Roundup Ranch is located 12 miles west from Sedalia, CO on State Highway 67 (1 mile past Indian Creek trail head).
This race is a fundraiser for Douglas County Search and Rescue and is being held under Special Use Permit from the USFS, and many others. There are 7 different permitting entities that allow this race to happen.
Excellent camping with electricity and water is available, no reservations required, first come first serve. Camping is $10 per tent per night. RVs & campers are $15 per night. Electric hookup is $5 per campsite per night.
Several rustic style rooms and beds are available inside the Roundup Ranch Lodge. Showers and kitchen included. There are a couple double beds and the rest twins (2 or 4 beds per room). Bring your own pillow and sleeping bag or bedding. Beds are $15 per person per night. if you want to reserve one of these.
Print off the Course Map and take with you on your pre-ride.
NOTE: Start Times and distances are subject to change, so stay posted and remain flexible! (do yoga).
Start waves of 3 minute intervals between categories. Finish, Pit Zone and Aid Station will be at IC Trailhead. Tents for support crews can be set up in the Pit Zone at the Finish Line at the Indian Creek Trailhead. Cars can drop Pit supplies, then park back at Ranch.
Last Pitch to Finish
Race #4 in The Series.
Held at Roundup Ranch 11 miles west of the small town of Sedalia on the southwestern edge of Denver. Roundup Ranch offers lovely camping and a relaxed place to spend the weekend. The demanding 18 mile loop winds through scenic singletrack and doubletrack of juniper, ponderosa, aspen and rolling hills.
Friday night, join us for some socializing, Oskar Blues brews, and Racer pot-luck in the dining hall at 7 pm. Bring a dish to share (besides chips) and meet your competitors. There will be grills and kitchen to use for cooking and food prep.
We pushed the Juniors 11-18 race back to an afternoon start at 1:30 so hopefully more parents can finish with their race in the morning to watch them.
After the race on Saturday, join us at the Ranch for post race BBQ and Oskar Blues Awards Ceremony.
Friday: Ranch opens at 10am. Set up camp, pre-ride the course.
6-8:00 pm On-site check-in..
7:00 Racer pot-luck in Dining Hall. Bring a dish to share, cook up some food and meet your competitors.
6:00-8:00 Check-in
8:00 Endurance Start
8:20 XC Start
1:30 Juniors 11-18 Circuit Races at Ranch
1:00-4:00 Racer BBQ
3:00 Warriors Kids Race
3:30 Oskar Blues Awards Ceremony